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ECJ ruling triggers uproar in Europe, attachment to strategic partnership with Morocco reverberates in several EU members

The European Court of Justice ruling on fishing and farming agreements between Morocco and the EU has triggered an uproar in Europe.

Many EU members, including France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, and Hungary, have expressed their strong attachment to the strategic partnership with Morocco. France, in particular, reaffirmed its commitment to the exceptional partnership with Morocco and its determination to deepen it. Spain also emphasized its commitment to the strategic partnership with Morocco and the importance of preserving and promoting this relationship.

Portugal considers the EU-Morocco partnership essential and is willing to deepen it in all areas. The Belgian Foreign Ministry echoed similar sentiments, expressing support for the friendship and strategic partnership between the EU and Morocco. Italy highlighted the fundamental strategic partnership between the EU and Morocco, emphasizing cooperation in agriculture and fishing. The Netherlands, Finland, and Austria also reaffirmed their commitment to the strategic partnership between the EU and Morocco.

The European Parliament has shown outrage at the ECJ ruling, with some members criticizing the decision for undermining European economic interests and violating the territorial integrity of Morocco.

Meanwhile, Morocco has stated that it is not concerned with the ruling, as it involves the EU and the Algeria-backed polisario.

The Moroccan foreign ministry criticized the decision for containing legal errors and factual inaccuracies, suggesting a politically biased ruling. Overall, the EU members and the European Parliament have demonstrated their support for the strategic partnership with Morocco, emphasizing the importance of maintaining and strengthening this relationship.


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